
I am so glad you visited this site today. Every day is a gift from God. If you are in need of any kind today, pray to our Father. Psalm 37:4..."Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."
A biblical verse that I must share with you is John 3:16..."For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." This news was the greatest news I had ever heard. If we admit to God that we are a sinner, repent to Him of our sins, and believe that Jesus died and paid for our sins with His perfect life, WE WILL NEVER DIE! He sacrificed Himself for us. God bless you if you have had this good news revealed to you today! If you do not understand John 3:16, ask God to help you to do that through His Word (the Bible).
You will find Him if you seek Him with your heart. Read Matthew 7: 7-8.

My prayer now is that you listen to some of the tracks and be blessed!

You can hear an excerpt of most of the songs by clicking on the Site-wide player at the bottom of the Intro page. Just keep clicking forward till the song you want to hear starts playing and enjoy!   

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